Newfoundland & Labrador
Suzuki Institute
Early Bird Registration prices until March 31!
Visiting from outside of NL?
Click here for travel & accomodations
We are thrilled to open registration for the Newfoundland and Labrador Suzuki Institute 2025! Classes will be held daily from Monday June 30 to Friday July 4 at Rennie’s River Elementary. There will be some registration & welcome activities on Sunday June 29th. The general schedule is below; specific class times will be released closer to the start-date. Everyone should plan to attend the Final Concert on July 4th. Please note all times are subject to change - all students are welcome to attend activities, workshops, and concerts!

Faculty Members
Amy Collyer-Holmes - Artistic Director/Cello
Paule Barsalou - Violin & Teacher Training
Alice Ann O’Neill - Cello & Teacher Training
Rachel Gauntlett - Cello
Lauren Smee - Violin
Elena Vigna - Violin
Brenda Gatherall - Choir
Carole Bestvater - Violin/Fiddle/Trad Groups
Nancy Case-Oates - Violin
Jacquelyn Redmond - Violin
Serena Piercey - Violin
& more to be announced soon!
Parents/guardians are expected to attend the Institute with their children.
The format of an Institute does not allow for constant supervision of students by the same teacher - students are moving between classes according to individualized schedules.
For families where parent/guardian attendance may not be possible please consider the following options:
● The usual 'practice parent' does not have to be the chaperone at camp! Feel free to involve grandparents and other family members, or familiar babysitters
● Families who are looking to share child-care duties can connect through our NLSI 2024 Facebook group (link coming soon!). This type of arrangement works best for families who have students playing the same instrument around the same level.
● Students ages 12+ and/or students entering Junior High in September can attend without a guardian present. Mature 10 and 11-year-olds may apply to attend without a guardian, upon the approval of STEP. Guardians will need to sign a waiver. Please contact for more information.
Please read through all package and class offerings below, and then submit your registration at the bottom of the page! Add a separate ticket/registration form for each student in your family.
Use Coupon Code 2SIBLING to save $25 when registering two siblings, or 3SIBLING to save $50 when registering families of three or more!